Sunday, December 17, 2017

Monday, Dec 18th’s schedule:

We are down to our last 3 days of the first quarter! I spent a lot of time cleaning up Friday night from our painting experience. I also made new seat assignments and I can’t wait to see the kids reaction to new table groups Monday Morning!

    7:50- Pledges and announcements
    7:55- Spelling Test from Friday
    8:10- subtraction 5 min fast facts
    8:20- Math activity/addition and subtraction review
    10:00- Research Rotation with my mom. Momma G visit/craft and related laptop activity.
    11:10- Lunch
    11:40 finish Research Rotations
    12:10- MathBowl- Elliott was elected by our kids as this quarter’s representative in the 2nd vote.
    12:50- Recess weather permitting
    1:10- Specials
    2:15 Dismissal

1. Please have the kids on time (tardy bell is 7:50) we start work right away. Alot of kids are bringing cafeteria breakfast in at 7:50 which means we all are waiting to get the day started. Please try to drop of kids before 7:40 if they need breakfast.
2. Monday is last day to pay for PJ day Tuesday. $1 to be turned into Mrs. Nowlin, Monday Morning before 7:50.
3. For the Math Bowl election, we had a 5 way tie in first election Elliott, Adrianne, Cayden, Aaliyah and Nehemiah all had 2 nominations, all students were allowed to be selected that did not participate in the first quarter’s Math Bowl. Only way this could happen was by 5 kids selecting anyone but themselves. I love that they really thought about who would do well, or better than themselves anyway. It also showed me who felt they could win for the classroom.
4. Family Game Day will be Wednesday at 10:30 in Media Center. Schedule for Wednesday will be available Tuseday on Blog. This is a time of playing with the kids. We’ll have already eaten!
5. Attendance is very important. Please remember the following times:
      📌Tardy bell- 7:50.  Cannot get perfect attendance if tardy.
      📌Last time of day counted presentif coming after dr appointment- 10:30 kids after this time not counted for being present more than half day. Goes on record and needs a dr excuse.
       📌earliest time to check kids out and still be counted present for school day- 11:35
I mention this because some parents are wondering, others are checking friends out after 9, and not returning. The state counts kids absent for entire day if they not here more than 51% of learning time! That means breakfast time is not counted.

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