Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Homework in F10

Parents, I wanted to remind you about our homework procedures.

1. Homework is typically given out on Fridays. This allows you as parents to help your students get a jump start on the weekend, especially if you have a busy weekend.

2. Reading is the most important thing your child can do everyday.

3. Homework is due on the following Friday, unless it says a different due date on the top.

Things to know about homework:

It should be a review of what is happening in the classroom, not something new that I have never taught.

If it is a math strategy, I have been working with the children for at least 2 weeks before sending it home for practice.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me and I will help.

2nd Quarter Standards

The Power Standards that we are focusing on for the 2nd Quarter are as follows.

1.       Phonics and Word Recognition Know common vowel team. ELAGSE2RF3 b
·       Can Demonstrate ALL of the following skills:
o     Can identify sounds correspondences for additional vowel teams.
o     Has mastered ALL of the following vowel variant diagraphs and diphthongs and can decode words using these sounds:
§  au/aw, ou/ow, oo/ew, oi/oy
o   Can identify the sounds for common vowel teams.
o   Has mastered ALL of the following vowel team sounds and can decode words using these sounds: ai/ay, ee/ea, oa/oe/ow, ie/igh, ue/ui/ew
2.       Phonics and Word Recognition Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences. ELAGSE2RF3e
·       Consistently and independently demonstrates the following skill:
o Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
                       soot/loot      cost/most     have/save     were/here      some/dome     own/town   
                       shall/tall       doll/roll        hour/tour     love/rove         want/plant      bread/near
3.       Fluency to Support Comprehension: ELAGSE2RF4
·       Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension (Fountas and Pinnell Levels K or above with 95% accuracy or higher)

Lit & Informational Text:
1.       Key Ideas and Details:  ELAGSE2RI1,3
·       Consistently and independently demonstrates all of the following:
• Asks and answers such questions as who, what, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in an Informational text.
·       Describes the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
2.       Craft and Structure of Text: ELAGSE2RL4
·       Describes how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
3.       Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:  ELAGSE2RI8
·       Describes how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text.

Text Type and Purpose: 
·       Consistently and independently demonstrates all of the following:
·       Writes informative/explanatory texts that includes ALL of the following: introduce the topic, uses facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.  ELACC2W3
Production and Distribution of Writing: Focuses on a topic and strengthens writing as needed by revising and editing with guidance from adults and peers. ELACC2W5

Conventions of Standard English
1.       Consistently and independently demonstrates all of the following: ELAGSE2L2
• Capitalize proper nouns
• Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words (e.g., cage- badge; boy- boil).
• Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives
2.       Consistently and accurately identifies and uses reflexive pronouns (e.g. myself, ourselves) when speaking or writing. ELAGSE2L1
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Consistently and independently demonstrates the following:
·       Uses a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., addition, additional).  ELAGSE2L4  ELAGSE2L5

1.       Comprehension and Collaboration: Consistently and independently recounts or describes key details or ideas from written texts read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.  ELAGSE2SL2
2.       Presentation of Knowledge:  Tells a story or recounts an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. ELAGSE2SL4

MATH:    Numbers & Algebraic Thinking:  MGSE2.NBT.1, 2, 3
1.       Understand place value: Consistently and independently demonstrates ALL of the following:
• Understands that the three digits of a three digit number represents amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones
• Reads and writes numbers to 1,000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form
• Counts within 1,000 and skip counts by 5's, 10's and 100's
2.       Add and subtract within 20: MGSE2.OA.2
·       Consistently and independently adds and subtracts within 20 using mental strategies like counting on, making a ten, decomposing a number, creating an easier problem, or uses the relationship between addition and subtraction
3.       Using place value to add and subtract: Consistently and independently adds and subtracts within 100 using strategies based on place value MGSE2.NBT.5
4.       Solve word problems: Consistently and independently uses addition and subtraction to solve one-and two- step word problems within 20 MGSE2.OA.1
5.       Measurement & Data: Consistently and independently uses addition and subtraction to solve one- and two- step word problems within 20 MGSE2.MD.5
1.       Observational Changes: Compares and contrasts seasonal Changes S2E2 c
2.       Recognize and Describes Science Concepts: Explains the effects of forces on the movements of objects S2P2
3.       Investigates Concepts: Investigates causes and effects of environmental change.  S2E3

Geographic Understandings: SS2G2
a. Describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with historical figures in SS2H1 and Georgia’s Creek & Cherokee in SS2H2
b. Describe how Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Musgrove, Sequoyah, and the Creek and Cherokee adapted to and were influenced by their environments
Historical Understandings: Describe the lives and contributions of historical in Georgia history
a. James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove (founding of Georgia)
b. Sequoyah (development of the Cherokee alphabet) SS2H1

Social Studies: Describe the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments:
a. Compare and contrast the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past to those of Georgians today   SS2H2

Civic & Government Understandings: Give examples of how the historical figures in SS2H1 demonstrate positive citizenship traits SS2CG3

Economic Understandings: Explain that people usually use money to obtain goods and services they want and explain how money makes trade easier than barter SS2E3

1.        Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. HE2.2
2.        Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. HE2.3
·       (3) Compares and contrasts effective/ineffective strategies to use regarding peer pressure and the use of alcohol and tobacco AND identifies the negative effects of using alcohol and tobacco products.
·       (2) Identifies the negative effects of using alcohol and tobacco products.
·       (1) Demonstrates limited knowledge of the negative effects of using alcohol and tobacco products.


1.        Comprehe9nds and applies second grade concepts and skills related to technology    NETS 2.a, 3.b, 4.d

Hands on Science Day! Fall 2017

Seeing the kids totally engaged in learning is one if my favorite parts of teaching!

Friday’s activities was the prime example. I had wonderful help and many families who sent in supplies. Days like this are not possible without parental support! Thank you from my the bottom of my heart, Mrs. Storey, James (my son), Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Smith, Mrs Cyn, Ms Miller, and the Hoover family.

Science Standards we covered were:

Changing states of matter to a different state of matter. 
      Ice Cream Shake-up
      Koolaide Mix-ups
      Cup Cake changes
      Coke-cola explosions 

What happens to an object when you apply force or gravity, to it? How can you apply push and pulls to move an object in the direction you want it to go?
       Lid Skid
       Cup Cake changes
       Koolaide Mix-ups        
       Ice Cream Shake-up


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year, (a little late)

Can you believe that we have already finished the first quarter of 2nd grade. Not only is it finished, but we are beginning our 2nd week of the second quarter!

Things have been flying by and they do not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. A lot is changing and things are very new to you as 2nd grade parents. I would like to say thanks to all of you who are supporting your child and me, everyday.

Already we have had some great things happen this year:
 We shared in the excitement of 2nd Grade on the 2nd Day of School.
 We've had our first successful field trip to the Center of Puppetry Arts, and 2 moms.
 We've had our first Math Bowl.
 We've had our first Family Project, the Regions and Rivers of Georgia.
 We've had laughter and tears, lost teeth and upset stomachs.
 We even had an awesome Hands on Science day with great helpers.

In short, I hope we are building a great team, family of learners that share our highs and lows together.

Mrs. GW