Saturday, September 7, 2013

Written Response Homework

I wanted to share a few responses to the short answer portion of the homework. The expectation is 3 sentences in response to the question here are a few that are pretty well done. 

Yesterday was Labor Day, how did you spend the day with your family? 
---"On Saturday, we went to Regenia's house and had a lot of fun.  On Monday, we played with a dog named Coceda.  I taught Coceda how to sit, stay and roll over.  I also watched some football on the TV.  I had a good weekend."

---"We went to chuckie cheese and played games. We also won tickets. We traded our tickets in for prizes."

--"For Labor Day, I went to my Grammy's house. I had dinner. I played baseball and almost broke aunt Angela's arm when I hit a ball on her arm and I hit Daddy's boot but he didn't get hurt. 
That's it."

Who are the service workers that help you in your everyday life?

--"The police officer helps people  be  safe.  The firemen helps people get out of fire."

--"The  service workers are police officers, firefighters, librarians, teachers, and trash people."

Unfortunately I can't select all of the great responses, but wanted to keep encouraging you all. Some of these selected are good because they restate the question even though they do not gave 3 sentences. Others are good because I can hear the kids' voice in the sentence, almost as if they are talking. Also, some of the responses in the past that were really good have included pictures. For exsmple, this one is a pretty cool way to spend time with your family: 

Keep sending me your emails, its one of the most authentic homework assignments I have ever given... 

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