Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesdays homework, March 31st

Sorry for late timing- not feeling well.

1. 794 - 658 =

2.  351 + 209 =

3. 95 + 84 + 79 + 63 =

We'll do a shorter the assignment tonight because of the time. 

Oh, and by the way, I've gotten some texts from fellow teachers and parents from our students about the class' behavior today for Mr. Hardwick. I must say I'm quite disappointed. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Recess Fun!

     Aiden and Olivia have donated some sidewalk chalk. We used up Aiden's to discuss shadows. Today we took Olivia's out to recess! Here are some pictures of some of the children showing their creative ability! 

Push up Champs from earlier this week!

Creative kids! 



Monday Homework March 30

No spelling this week.
Homework today consists of the following activities:

1. Math problems: 
     1.  579 + 368 =
      2.  704 + 197 =
      3.  579 - 368 =
      4.  704 - 197 =
      5.  77 + 205 + 62 + 94= 

2. Write a letter to the lunch ladies including 3 of the following rules that you helped create today! 

When you are finished eating, check for a mess and clean it up.

If you have lots of napkins, be sure to throw them away.

Chew with your mouth closed.    

Don't throw food!

Talk with an empty mouth.    

Don't trade food.

If you see something left on the table pick it up (even if it is not yours!!!)

If you see someone throwing food
      1st: tell them to stop!
      2nd:  tell a grown-up by raising your hand.
      3rd. Tell Ms G!

Don't talk during RED cup and when you are not supposed to!

Eat your OWN food!                   

Don't play with food.

Miss G cleaning up after lunch today.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Work for Monday's classwork!

Monday's classwork... Please have this finished before coming to class. 

1. 638 + 596 =

2. 638 - 596 =

3. 952 + 487 =

4.  952 - 487 =

5. 88 + 79 + 28 + 56 =

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 26th homework for friday's classwork!

Keep working it guys, I am loving the confidence some of the kids are showing! Thank you! 

This is Thursday's homework for Friday AM! 

1.  947- 685 = 

2. ** 947 + 685 =

3.  748 +  283=

4. 748 - 283 =

5.  75 + 73 + 84 + 39 =

Homework for march 25th!

Please, please, please do not show the kids how to "carry the 1" on the math assignments! That is the algorithm! That is taught later in 4th grade after the kids get a good understanding of number sense. 

Strategies we use are:
Addition                    Subtraction
Base 10                            Base 10
Partial sums                      Partial difference
Expanded sums                Number line
Expanded addition  (Christmas trees)
Number line 

Use any strategy to complete the following 5 problems:

1. **736 + 589 =

2.  736 - 589 =

3.  481 + 29=

4.  481 - 29=

5.  84 + 92 + 75 + 63=

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24th Homework

Please have your child complete the following problems for homework and send them in for our class discussion Wednesday! 

The kids can only use strategies already taught in class. 

1.  593 + 348=

2.  593 -  348 =

3. **  937 + 485=

4.  937 - 485 = 

5. 49 + 98 + 38 + 53=

Can't wait to see how you guys come up with your answers! 

How's Spellingcity.com coming along? 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday's Homework march 23, 2015

Complete and finish for class Tuesday. 
Do not teach the kids the algorithym. Those kids who are seeing it, are struggling with using it and mixing it up with the strategies I've taught. The report cards are reporting if the kids can use the strategies that I have been told to teach. 

Answer the following using partial sums, partial difference, number line or expanded addition.
1. 416 + 379 =

2. 416 - 379 =

3. 752 + 275 = 

4. 752 - 275  =

You can use base10 on #5! 
5.  78 + 89 + 98 + 45 + 57=

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20th, Math Homework

Only 4 friends brought in their homework today. So we are going to try this again... Please complete these 5 problems and send it in with the kids so we can discuss the strategies with problems they have already completed.

1.  416 + 269 =

2. 934 - 447 =

3. 87 + 59 + 46 + 132=

4.  857 + 86 = 

5.  857 - 385= 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19 homework.

Please finish these problems using the strategies taught in class. Do not use base10 or "the old way"! 

We need them in class tomorrow for a class discussion:

1. 429 + 387= 

2. 642 - 384=

3. 863 - 197=

4. 560 + 274=

5. 62 +  95 + 184 + 247=

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 18th math homework

Solve using strategies taught. 
No Base 10! 

Bring to school Thursday to discuss answers and share strategies! 

1. 934 - 672 =

2.  375 + 278=

3.  593 -  167=

4. 628 + 185 =

5.  37 + 182 + 69 + 54 =

Math assignment for March 17, 2015

Please send these problems completed tomorrow so we can discuss them. Do not use Base10! 

😘 G


1.  357 +  516 =

2. 476 + 486 =

3.  56 + 93 + 87 + 167= 

4. 763 - 278 =

5. 825 - 394 =

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We are in need of Kleenex again! Everyone seems to be fighting a cold. Please help!

Large plastic tubs- we need 3! 

Oddly enough, for the first time ever the tubs we use to put our back packs in have broken. I have used tubs like this for 17 years, I am wondering if they have changed to plastic!? 


Hi moms and dads! 
The kids have been wearing perfumes and colognes alot lately. I am guessing many have forgotten, but I am seriously allergic to scents! Allergic to the point of almost passing out a few days this week. Not only does it affect my breathing, but I begin to itch around my face! And I zone out to where my speech is impacted! 

Its quite scary to feel like I'm gonna pass out in front of your kids while working with them. 

We can easily avoid this problem by not letting them wear body spays, flowery or masculine lotions and colognes. Some hair products like Axe and old spice also cause a reaction. Best rule of thumb for rest of year..."if you can smell it, don't let them wear it!"

Also we have 3 kids with PEANUT allergies!

Thank you! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Problem Solving!

This week's homework has a problem that is not solvable. The kids only need to write "There is not enough information to solve this problem!"

Good luck finding it!

Ohh yeah! Spellingcity.com is up and running!