Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3-Dimensional Robot Projects!

Last week I sent home the 2nd Grade Family Projects that are due at the end of January. The requirements are as follows: 1. build a robot with the following 3-dimensional shapes (rectangular prism; cube; cylinder; sphere; pryamid) and 2-dimensional shapes (circle; square; rectangle; triangle; trapezoid; rhombus; and parallelogram). 
2. Label each shape on the robot! 
3. Write a sentence for each shape describing how it was used on the robot. 

The students will be asked to read their sentences for the class on a pre-assigned day. The schedule for project deliveries will be sent home January 27th with the homework packet. 

Below are some examples of robots from last year's group. 


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Partial difference videos

We've been busy the past 2 weeks. There are 2 more partial difference videos on YouTube for you to watch and practice the strategy. 

Please let me know if the links do not work. 

100th Day is this Friday!

We have a special activity during Book Buddies this week for 100th day of school. We nee some help gathering supplies. I need 1 of each of the following items (caution: peanut allergy!)

1 large bag of skittles
1 large bag of plain m&ms
1 large bag of cheddar popcorn
1 bag of mini marshmallows
1 bag of pretzel sticks
1 box of chex cereal
1 box of raisins
1 bag of smarties
1 bag of pre popped butter popcorn
1 bag of nestle chocolate chips
1 case (24 or more) water bottles

Mrs Smith (formally know as Ms Polinsky)  is also sending this list to her parents. They'll help provide enough of these items for her class. We meet in the library every Friday at 12:15-1 for either reading or a special activity.

Thanks, and please leave a comment so others know what you are bringing.  We don't wanna get 5 bags of m&ms and no popcorn. 😉

Monday, January 6, 2014

Jan 9th is Awards Day!

Questions about Awards Day came up on facebook so I wanted to share the coNcersation witg you. 

?#1-  When is Awards Day?  
Reply- Thursday night at 6:30 in Cheetah Cafe. 

?#2- Do parents know if their child is receiving an award? 
My Reply- Not Always. Some teachers send a note. The note depends on the teacher. I know K and 2 tell the kids which room to go to when they arrive, but we don't always tell the kids which award they've won.

?#3- What are the awards? 
My Reply- The awards were discussed at conferences and should be pretty straight forward. Each kid/grade has 3 academic goals... 1 Reading (K-2 DRA level L to achieve), 1 good informational Writing (based on mastery of writing skills measured by county rubric), and 1 Math ( solve 3-digit addition problem and add at least 75 addition problems in 5 minutes. (created and agreed upon by grade level team based on Common Core GPS). 

?#4- How does a child earn an award? 
My Reply- A child who meets ALL 3 academic goals earns the Platinum Award. A child who meets a 2 of the 3 academic goals earns the Gold Award. A child who is able to master any 1 of the 3 academic goals earns a Silver. 

?#5- What about the upper grades? 
My reply- I've never taught 3,4, &5 at HLES so I am not really sure what their routines are. 

?#6- Are there only Academic Awards? My Reply- There are classroom specific awards given for 2 Most improved, and 3 character awards from each class- 1 Respectful, 1 Responsible, & 1 Acts with Integrity.

?#7- What happens Thursday night?   
My Reply- (mostly Accurate for 2 Grade...) Kids will be able to arrive AFTER time on note or sticker in agenda. The parents can stay in Cafeteria and hope for a seat (please keep the children's jackets.) Once we leave the rooms to "receive" the awards, 2nd grade teachers do not return to our classes for any reason. We will wait until parents meet us in hallway after All grades have had their turn. We will be ready to go home too! 

Any more questions ???? 

Hope you had a terrific Break! See you Thursday at 6:30 😉
Love G!