Monday, December 23, 2013

book Buddies Dec 20th Crafts

We created reindeer with our book buddies on the 20th. Mrs Smith used my camera and took some pictures...

  Back in the classroom, my gift to the kids... with those that are still at school :)
  Lucas' dad showing the boys pictures from their hunting of live animals.  The boys were enthralled.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Addition Video #4

Confused by the Expanded Form addition Strategy?  Watch the class in action and listen to the conversation that we have as we solve a 3-digit plus 3-digit addition problem...

type this in the address line:

or click here:
Expanded Form addition

Addition Video #3

Struggling with Partial Sums?  Watch lesson to hear how we talk and think through the problem.

type this in the address line:

or click here:
Modified Partial Sums Strategy

Addition Video #2

Need help with Base 10 addition? Watch actual lesson to hear how we talk through the steps...

type this in address line:

or click here:
Base 10 addition

addition video #1

Do you need help with Number Line addition, watch an actual lesson...

type this in address line:

or click here:
Number Line addition

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

addition videos

Gonna try this again!

3-digit addition using base 10:

3-digit addition using number line:

3-digit addition using partial sums:

3-digit addition using expanded form:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

January book report

I've decided to cancel the January Book Report! Robot Project now due Januaey21st!

More video clips on YouTube

Today (the kids and) I made 2 instructional videos for the addition strategies. Follow this link to Addition Using the number line. The lesson for Base10 addition will be posted by this evening.

Hope you guys like the lesson!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December All Pro Dads

Hey dads, the December meeting is canceled for this month, see you in January!

School budget for next year is an issue!

Click on this link to find out whats happening with our county wide budget decreasing 79 million dollars!

We need the help of you the parents and tax payers. 

Friday, December 6, 2013


WOW, We have completed our first week of December already and it has been a great week. Mrs. Malonado is gone, but we look forward to her return in January. We have take our mid-year STARR assessment for AR and 90% of the kids improved in their reading levels, yeah! We had a visitor from Wellstar teaching us about our emotions and how to control our anger, then Mrs. Hymen came in today and revisitedmost of that lesson. Good stuff! Today we had Book Buddies with Mrs. Smith's (Polinsky ;) ) kindergarten class in the media center. I was so proud of how our kids were working with the little guys.

I am working on getting the stockings up, and we will start stuffing them next week. Mrs. Smith and I are planning our last activity for book buddies the 20th and she has decided NOT to do the gift exchange, so please do not get the gift for the book buddy. :(

Look how cute book buddy time is...

Here are the pictures from Ms. Kelly's visit from Wellstar...

ALSO, Ms G got her new camera Monday from and she is so excited! These pictures were taken with the new camera and Ms G is thankful to all who helped purchase it!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Examples of next family project

The class last year had a different assignment for November. They had to compare 3 Native American Celebrations with 3 for their own families celebrations. This year is much easier because it more broad of a topic. Compare 3 things from the Creek or Cherokee tribes with how we are today... Some of our food is the same yet the didn't have pizza and fried chicken... Our clothing is also very different. They used shells and stones to decorate their clothes. The didn't have buttons or zippers. You can use pictures from the internet, magazines or have the kids draw their own. Sometimes as grown-ups we make it way too hard. Have fun with this project, its due the Monday after Thanksgiving... Dec 2nd.